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I was seventeen years old. I was young, naive, almost normal. I made a mistake by running away from home, but at the time, it didn't seem like a big deal; most guys at my age tried to escape from their parents's authority, they wanted freedom, at least for a while. But my case was different. My mother had passed away a few moths before because of a lung cancer, and my father, he had started drinking way too much, right after my mother's death. I wanted to run away from the depression that surrounded me. It was also different because I had nowhere to go. When teenagers leave home, they mostly stay at a relative's or friend's house, but I didn't have any, so I decided to stay in some shelter, or something like that; anywhere was better than home.
Then I remembered that a few weeks before I noticed an abandoned building in front of my house. It was weird, because if you didn't pay attention to it, you wouldn't notice it was empty. It was a perfect place to stay, and that's where I stayed that night.
I remember entering that building, it was dark, cold, absolutely not comfortable. Rats and bugs and spiders were the owners of the entire place. I climbed upstairs up to the forth floor and tried to sleep somewhere where pests wouldn't bother me, and finally fell into Morpheus's arms.
I woke up in the middle of the night, expecting something to happen, which did not, at least not at that precise moment. I started walking, absorbed by loneliness. I tried to figure how the apartments used to look like, how would I decorate if I owned one, I was distracting myself from the rats, they scared the hell out of me. Suddenly I heard something, but I guessed it was a product of my imagination, after all, I was spending the night in a hostile environment. Then I saw someone. A man was there, I was terrified, and paralysed. Who was that man?
"Are you okey?" said the man. "Who are you?" I cried. He took a step in front of me and said "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I live here"
"You do?" my confusion was impossible to hide "Isn't this place abandoned?"
"It is, that's why I stay here. Streets are dangerous this days. And I'm lucky enough to stay somewhere that still has running water"
I stayed in silence. I wasn't going to trust that stranger. Something of the look at my face made him laugh. "You don't need to worry, seriously. A lot of drunk girls just show up here before going to their houses. I help them sober up a little bit, so that they can go back home safe."
"I'm not drunk" I protested.
"Yeah, I figured. Why are you here anyway?"
"I escaped home. You?"
"Well, I've been living on the streets for a long time you know. And it's awful. People think you are going to steel, gangsters wont let you touch their territory... I'm glad I found this place" I was staring at him, fearfully, fact that he noticed. "As I said... People think that I'm a bad guy. What they don't understand is that I'm not... I'm just not in the best situation. I used to have my own house... but this world, is rotten. One day you have everything you wanted, and the next day you are begging for money and a job" when he said this, I felt sorry for him, my fear was insulting him.
"I'm sorry, it's just... this place freaks me out."
"Don't be sorry. You're lucky anyway, I have some food I got from the shelter. Want some?" he offered, but I hesitated.
After some talking and eating I realized that I could trust this man, or so I thought until later that night. I was heading to the spot I had falling asleep some time before, when he grabbed me from behind and threw me towards the wall. I had been so stupid, I should've left the building the moment I found out I wasn't the only one there.
"AAAAA! PLEASE STOP!" I cried while he took over my body and started undressing me. He corrupted my body as I struggled against it "NOOO!!! PLEASE DON'T! DON'T. AHHHHHHHHH HELP! HEEEEEEEEEELP!" And he put a sock on my mouth. I couldn't scream, I couldn't fight his body, and suddenly I felt something strange. As much as I hated the situation, I found some dark pleasure in that corruption, something disgustingly exciting was going on. It was as if my body was betraying me. And this went on for what seemed like hours. When he was done with me, he pushed me though the broken window.
I woke up at the hospital.
I will never forget that day, but I wish I could.